German courses A2 to B1

Duration: 60
Level: B1
Lessons: 40
Students: 10

Level A2 students are eligible for this course.

Although you know how to talk about yourself in German, you watch news in German and read the news in German (with subtitles), you do not always know how to express yourself. Perhaps you know you make some mistakes in your writing, but aren't quite sure how to correct them. Your grammar and vocabulary will be enhanced as you practice writing and speaking fluently and accurately. Throughout German Intermediate Course (A2-B1), you will explore how to give more detailed, abstract, and nuanced information. You will have many chances to speak and receive feedback.

In both speaking and writing, you will feel far more confident using German and know a great deal more words and phrases.

You will be able to achieve your learning goals in a flexible manner. During this course, you'll learn how to improve your written and spoken communication. As you gain new skills, you will work with one of our expert language trainers on practical tasks and projects that will allow you to put them into practice in your own social environment. Learn how to speak more persuasively in this German Intermediate Course course. Additionally, you will learn how to write in German more efficiently and accurately.

German Intermediate Course (A2-B1) consists of 40 lessons of 1 hour and 30 minutes in the virtual classroom. The recommended self-study load is 90 hours.

Students are expected to attend at least 80% of the classes.