Foreign language courses Columbus Courses practice an individual approach to each student. First of all, we conduct a free consultation, find out your wishes and select exactly the course that will allow you to master the foreign language you need in the shortest possible time and in full.
After getting acquainted with the wishes and goals of the student, we select the appropriate material for you, develop a program for the effective study of a foreign language. A professional teacher will work with you, who will take into account your wishes and requirements as much as possible.
We will do our best to make you feel comfortable and cozy in our Columbus foreign language courses. With us you get the opportunity to study online at a convenient time for you, individually or in a group, and, of course, achieve your goals.
For many expats who have moved to the Netherlands for various reasons, learning Dutch is a top priority. And although many "experts" claim that knowing English is enough to live in the Netherlands, this is not at all the case. Such a statement can only be true in certain situations. For example, if you moved to the country as a skilled migrant, work for an international company and live in major cities such as Amsterdam, The Hague or Rotterdam. But even in this case, situations sometimes arise when you are absolutely powerless without knowing the Dutch language. For example, if you have a need to communicate with representatives of utilities, no English will help you stop gushing water from a burst pipe.
That is why Columbus Courses focus not only on learning Dutch for the various exams required to fully integrate into the Dutch community, but also on learning Dutch for everyday communication.
In the event that you move to the Netherlands with your partner and are not a citizen of one of the EU countries, you will also first have to pass the basic exam on integration abroad, and then, within three years, pass the integration exam (Inburgeringsexamen) to get the opportunity further residence in the country and obtaining a Dutch passport.
That is why Columbus Courses provides the opportunity to learn the language with both native Dutch speakers and native speakers, which is especially important for beginners from scratch. This will greatly speed up both your Dutch language learning and your mvv exam.
Columbus Courses teachers are certified specialists who are always ready to listen to your opinions and wishes and, if necessary, even restructure the program, which will help you to master the Dutch language as quickly as possible.
Columbus Courses' flexible schedule is one of the advantages that sets us apart from other courses. Also, courses can offer a flexible pricing policy: we provide our students with a variety of discounts and promotions, which will allow them to learn foreign languages ​​without prejudice to your finances.
Columbus Courses provides ample opportunities for learning a foreign language. You can study a foreign language both individually and in a group. Below you can familiarize yourself with the forms of training and special offers.
Our goal is to make the online learning process as easy as possible for our students. We strive to make language education accessible to everyone who wants to improve their language skills. Our online language courses are designed to meet the expectations of our students. They provide an opportunity to study in a way that is convenient for each student.
Therefore, register right now and receive your offer for studying a foreign language online from Columbus Courses.