English Intermediate Course (B1)

Duration: 60
Level: B1
Lessons: 40
Students: 10

The course is designed for students who are at level A2.

While you know how to talk about yourself and your opinions in English, and watch TV in English (with subtitles) and read news in English, you don't always know how to say it. Maybe you're unsure how to fix some grammar mistakes in your writing. You will improve your writing and speaking fluency and accuracy, as well as add more knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. As you go along, you will learn how to provide more detailed, abstract, and nuanced information. There will be many opportunities for you to speak and receive feedback.

With more vocabulary and phrases, you will have a much easier time expressing yourself both in speech and writing.

In this course, you will learn English in a flexible way that fits your needs. During this course, we will look at how to improve the quality of your communication, both spoken and written. As part of the program, you will work with an expert language trainer on a variety of professional tasks and projects, putting the skills you have just acquired to practical use. You will learn persuasive speaking techniques in this English Intermediate Course. You will also become more efficient and accurate when writing in English.

English Intermediate Course (B1) consists of 40 lessons of 1 hour and 30 minutes in the virtual classroom. The recommended self-study load is 90 hours.

Students are expected to attend at least 80% of the classes.