Online Dutch Courses A2-B1 Level

Duration: 48
Level: A2-B1
Lessons: 32
Students: 7

The course is aimed at students who have completed level A2 can take Dutch Intermediate Course (A2-B1).  

While you may know how to talk about yourself, your opinions, and ideas in Dutch, and you may also watch television in Dutch (with subtitles), but you may not always know how to put it into words. Maybe you make some grammar mistakes in your writing, but you don't know how to fix them. You will improve your writing and speaking fluency and accuracy, as well as add more knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. We will explore ways to convey more nuanced, detailed information in a more abstract and more detailed way. Speaking opportunities will be plentiful, along with feedback on your spoken performance.

Speaking and writing in Dutch will become easier for you since you'll know more words and phrases.

In this course, you will learn Dutch in a flexible way that fits your needs. The goal of this course is to help you improve your spoken and written communication skills. A professional language trainer will help you put your newly gained skills to use by working with you on a wide range of projects and tasks. This Dutch Intermediate Course (A2-B1) will teach you persuasive speaking skills. In addition to learning writing skills, you will also become more efficient and accurate when writing in Dutch.

Dutch Intermediate Course (A2-B1) consists of 40 lessons of 1 hour and 30 minutes in the virtual classroom. The recommended self-study load is 90 hours.

Students are expected to attend at least 80% of the classes.

The goal of Dutch language course at the A2-B1 level is to help students bridge the gap between intermediate and upper-intermediate proficiency in the language. Here are the main objectives that can be achieved at this level:

  1. Developing communication skills: Students will learn to express their thoughts and ideas with ease, participate in discussions and business negotiations, as well as understand conversational speech by native speakers.

  2. Expanding vocabulary: Students will learn new words and expressions necessary for everyday communication, reading, and writing at the B1 level.

  3. Understanding texts of various genres: Students will be able to read and comprehend texts of various genres, including literature, news, articles, and technical documentation.

  4. Enhancing writing skills: Students will learn to compose letters, essays, and reports in the B1 level language, adhering to grammar and stylistic rules.

  5. Improving listening comprehension: Students will be able to understand more complex speech by native speakers, including conversations, interviews, and lectures.

  6. Making progress in grammar: Students will deepen their knowledge of grammar and learn to apply it in practical situations.

  7. Cultural understanding: Students will become acquainted with the culture, customs, and traditions of the countries where the target language is spoken.

  8. Preparation for further language study: The A2-B1 level serves as a foundation for more advanced courses and further improvement of language skills.

The goal of an A2-B1 course is to help students reach a level of proficiency in the language that enables them to actively participate in everyday life, work, and the public sphere in the country where the target language is spoken.

Duration of Dutch Intermediate Course (A2-B1) Level is from 4 months.
2 lessons per week of 1 hour and 20 minutes in the virtual classroom. The recommended self-study load is 90 hours. Students are expected to attend at least 80% of the classes.