Dutch Inburgering Exam Preparation Course

Duration: 48
Level: Inburgeringscursus Nederlands (B1-B2)
Lessons: 32
Students: 7

Dutch Inburgering Exam Preparation Course is the best way to pass the Integration exam succesfully.

What is “Inburgering”?
It is a set of integration exams that allow the state to assess your level of immigration acclimatization.
All foreigners who received a residence permit before January 1, 2022 pass Inburgeringsexamen at level A2. Citizens who arrived in the Netherlands after 01/01/2022 take an exam at the level determined by the gemeente in which you are registered, after an interview. The state organization DUO is responsible for taking exams and issuing diplomas. If you successfully pass all the necessary exams, you will be issued a diploma of integration (Inburgeringsdiploma), which you will need when applying for a permanent residence permit and / or a Dutch passport.
What parts does this inburgering consist of?

  1. Participatieverklaring
    Dutch Society Core Principles Awareness Notice
  2. Oriëntatie op de Nederlandse Arbeidsmarkt (ONA)
    Ability to search and find work
  3. Lezen
    Reading skills
  4. Luisteren
    Listening skills
  5. Schrijven
    Writing skills
  6. Spreken
    Speaking skills
  7. Kennis van de Nederlandse Maatschappij
    Knowledge of the foundations and values ​​of Dutch society


Does everyone need to take all parts of the exam?
No, exactly which parts of the exam you personally need to take can be viewed in your personal account on the DUO website.

I am a kennismigrant. Do I need to take Participatieverklaring?
No, all those for whom the integration exam is optional and not mandatory are not required to sign and take participatieverklaring.

ONA exam – who is exempt from it?
In 2019, amendments to the law were passed exempting from the ONA exam all those who either already work (for hire) or worked at least 48 hours per month for at least 6 (not necessarily in a row) out of 12 months before requesting an exemption from the exam.
Thus, if you have been an employee for the last year, you can request an exemption from the ONA exam.
You can request an exemption in your personal account on the DUO / Inburgeren website.
NB: If you are not an employee, but are, for example, an entrepreneur, you will not be able to get an exemption from the exam.

Where can you read about inburgering in English?

How long does it take to take exams? Is there a general deadline for passing exams?
If you take exams voluntarily (that is, you are not inburgeringsplichtig), then you can take exams at your own pace without any deadlines, for 2020 the exam passed has no expiration date and different parts can be passed in both a month and 5 years.

If you are an inburgeringsplichtig (for example, as a visiting partner of a citizen of the Netherlands), then you have 3 years to pass exams and receive a diploma.

What is the expiry date for an integration diploma (inburgeringsdiploma)?
Your diploma has no expiration date. DUO keeps records of passed exams for 60 years.

What language level do you need to pass the language exams, A2 or B1?
If you arrived in the Netherlands before 01.01.2022, the difficulty of the language exams remains at level A2. From January 2022, the level of exams depends on the results of the gemeente interview.

How long do you have to wait for the result after passing the exam?
The exam results will appear in your personal account within 8 weeks from the date of the exam.
I passed all exams, what next?
After passing all the exams, you will be sent a letter where and when you can pick up your integration diploma. Please note that it can take quite a long time (4+ weeks) between the receipt of this letter and the date of graduation.

Is the record of passing the exam at DUO sufficient for naturalization, or do you need to wait for a diploma?
Unfortunately, the diploma itself is required to request naturalization.

It is obligatory to pass the exam during 3 years after the date of registration in the Netherlands.
Duration of Dutch Inburgering Exam Preparation Course is from 4 months.
2 lessons per week of 1 hour and 20 minutes in the virtual classroom. Students are expected to attend at least 80% of the classes.